Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A Day In the Life, Sarah Brown, Underwriting Branch Manager, AIG

One of my favorite parenting blogs has been doing a series on "A Day in the Life" of working moms.  And bascially how they do it.  Perhaps not all of my blog readers (hello all 5 of you) know how I've struggled and struggled with being a full time working mom and trying to successfully "do it all"  which, by the way, you can't.  Corners are cut, things go overlooked, life is coo-coo-crazy as Isaac would say, but hey, its my life and I think its beautiful that way!  So I decided just for fun to document a day in my life this week - more for my own historical keeping than anything else!

Monday, June 3, 2013:

5:59am - Isaac comes running into our bedroom and hops on the bed.  He gives Jeff a wet willy in his ear while also kicking me in the ribs.  I yelp and he immediately turns and says "sorry, is the baby ok?"  Sweet tender boy.  I tell him he has 2 choices without even opening my eyes - go back upstairs to bed for another hour or crawl under the covers and not make a single peep until Daddy's alarm goes off.

6:12am - Isaac is now sharing my pillow and snoring in my ear.  I cannot fall back asleep.

6:30am - Jeff's alarm goes off (no early patients this morning so he's home later than usual), he's up and putting scrubs on.  Isaac still fast asleep.  I wish I could be.

6:45am - I give in and take a shower.  By the time I get out I find the bed and dog bed empty and know that Isaac must have accompanied Daddy and Molly on their morning walk. 

7:01am - basement contractors start pouring in the house, major construction projects are not for the weak of heart, that's for sure.

7:10am - Jeff and I are pouring over samples of a new type of rubberized flooring with the head contractor.  It's the basement, I don't really care what's on the floor of the new bathroom, but I pretend to.  Jeff has to run so I make the final selection.  I note that I could never, ever build a whole house full of endless decision making.

7:25am - Start Isaac on some breakfast and run up to get Miss Audrey who I hear singing ABCs on the monitor.  I run into the bathroom to slap makeup on my face and quickly dry my hair while both kids are eating breakfast in front of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

7:57am - follow contractor downstairs to make final decision of placement of closet in the new guest suite - again, I could care less but try really hard to listen to the pros and cons of each potential placement.

8:04am - Maggie walks through the door.  Thank you Jesus.  I can finish drying my hair.  She gets Isaac dressed and teeth brushed.

8:20am - Isaac and are out the door for his 9am 5 year doctors appointment.

8:40am - killing time before appointment at the car wash.

9:30am - struggle to hold down 53 lbs of screaming, yelling boy for a booster shot.  Curse you Jeff Brown for never one time brinnging the kids for shots!  Thankfully there are skittles in my purse for the aftermath, cleverly purchased at the carwash.

9:47am - finally sit down in my chair at work and glance at the clock, only an hour or so late.  My desk is exploding with emails and voicemails.  Here we go......Monday.

11:23am - throw in the towel on the plans to work through lunch to make up lost time this morning and text a friend to see if she wants to get some lunch. 

1:12pm - back from lunch.  Ok, 3 hours of solid, productive work need to happen here.  Gear up.  And try to limit water intake as to not have to pee every 30 minutes.

4:25pm - I wind everything down and am out the door by 4:35, noting I need to make a quick stop to pick up dry cleaning on the way home and return a phone call from our lawn service company.

5:05pm - changing of the guard with Maggie, get the low down of the day and find the kids miraculously playing nicely together upstairs.  I take advantage of this window to run down and get dinner started.  Shit- I forgot to defrost anything.  Pasta and salad it is.  Start the water boiling and take Moll out.  By the time I get back inside water is boiling and kids are trying to kill each other.  I make them come downstairs and turn on tv so I can get the noodles in the water.  Dog is hungry, kids are losing their minds, I'm exhausted and still have heels on.  Want to cry a little.  Get kids situated with dinner and call Jeff to find out his ETA - lucky for us he's earlier than usual and walks in around 6:15.

6:20pm - Audrey is so full of pasta sauce that I decide to throw her right in the shower.  I enjoy the 15 minutes of rest sitting on the bathroom floor watching her play happily in the shower.  AJ and I emerge in her ladybug pjs to find Jeff in the garage giving Isaac a haircut.  For some reason he's obssessed with figuring out how to cut his son's hair.  Whatever - I have bigger fish to fry.  And there's still 2 weeks until our professional photo shoot which is plenty of time for grow out and clean up by a professional.

7:00pm - Isaac is so full of hair I throw him directly in the shower.  I take this time to fold 2 baskets of laundry that I didn't get to yesterday when I did 8 loads and keep my ears on Ike in the shower, thankfully he's pretty self sufficient in there.  Isaac gets in his pirate pjs and joins Jeff and Audrey in the family room to play a little and watch some Cardinals baseball.  I start cleaning up dinner.

7:40pm - head upstairs to begin the circus freakshow that we call bedtime.  OMG, how did they make this much of a mess in 30 minutes of playing alone before dinner?  Now I have to refold every single blanket and sheet from our hall linen closet.  Shoot me.  At least they're already clean and in jammies.  Toothbrushing, potty, diaper change, alergy meds, foot fungus meds (don't ask), endless books, endless singing, water, sound machines, find the blankie, blah, blah, blah.  Head downstairs around 8:30.

8:35pm - Jeff and I slump onto couch to watch Cardinals game and catch up.  I curl up with my new favorite book "Moms Who Drink and Swear", a gift from one of my besties on Mother's Day.  It makes me laugh out loud and Jeff makes fun of me.  Jeff finishes dictating some patient notes.  Jeff runs up to check on Audrey a couple of times - she keeps screaming into the monitor - literally picks it up off her nightstand and yells into it.  She needs nothing - just wants a kiss.  You want to hug her for being so cute and kill her at the same time :)  I finally go up and tell her if she stops and goes to sleep she can have candy in the morning - mother of the year.  I decide to return some work emails on my blackberry.  As we sit here Jeff breaks the news that the residents graduation dinner we have to attend for his hospital next week is black tie optional.  Awesome, a black tie optional affair requiring a maternity dress - no problem, babe, easy as pie.  Sigh.

9:40pm - finally get up enough energy to get up off the couch and tackle the dishes, clean up, preparing for tomorrow while Jeff showers and takes Molly for a walk.  I get online to start preliminary dress shopping and get too discouraged to really look.

10:15pm - crawl into bed.  As I lay there trying to fall asleep I realize that Audrey's purple pet hasn't been fed in as many days as I can remember.  I get up to put some flakes in Fishy's bowl.  Jeff rolls his eyes, but seriously, how many days can a beta fish go without food? - I'm not about to find out.  Come back to find Molly and Jeff out cold. 

11:42pm - awoken by Jeff's page.  He's up and putting scrubs on.  I marvel for a moment at his ability to go from dead sleep to on top of his game in a matter of seconds.  I can barely stumble to the bathroom to pee coherently.  He's gone.  I find myself thinking how lucky the family is that their loved one having a heart attack is fortunate enough that Jeff is on his way to save them.  He's really so talented, I should really tell him that more.

2:48pm - wake up to pee again and find Jeff in bed.  I must have been really out.  And Molly too - nice guard dog.  False alarm on the heart attack.  Please, please, please let me sleep through until Jeff's alarm without having to pee again....... 

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