Tuesday, March 8, 2011

All in a name.

Lots of people have been asking how we arrived at the name Audrey Jane for our baby girl, so I thought I would share. We wanted to choose a name that was different yet familiar, much like Isaac. We were after a timeless name hovering around the halfway rank on the most popular names list for the last few years, just like Isaac. We wanted something where she'd probably be the only one in school, not like the Sarah V and Jeff B we were growing up! Several names fit this bill that we liked and we went to the hospital armed with all of them just waiting to see our daughter's face. As soon as they lifted her in the air we both whispered "Audrey." And isn't it just perfect that the Baby Name Wizard website lists the following as recommended sibling names for Audrey:
Andrew Ava BenjaminCharlotte Desiree Emily EmmaEmmy Evan Evelyn IsaacJack Lauren Luke MadelineNatalie Oliver Olivia RachelSamuel Sarah Sophia SydneyThomas Tyler

As far as a middle name we wanted to continue our tradition of using family names. Jane is the given middle name of my godmother, my Aunt Laura, and the name of my great aunt, a nun, Sister Jane (given name Sarah Jane). Jeff also has an Aunt Jane. Lastly it leaves us with the fabulous nickname AJ which pays tribute to my favorite cousin Amanda Joy who I have always called AJ!

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