The night before we are about to host 15 people for a big Thanksgiving feast, Jeff comes home from work and recongnizes that we forgot to get Isaac a holiday haircut. For those that don't know, Isaac has the thickest, coursest hair you've ever seen on a toddler. He gets his hair cut every 5-6 weeks on schedule or it turns into a helmet-type look (which you may notice is taking form in the pics from the last post). Oh well, right?!? So, I go about finishing preparing something for the following day while Jeff takes Isaac upstairs for a bath and bed. In no time at all I hear this faint motor sound and wonder what on earth that could be. So, I head upstairs to find my husband, clippers in hand, and my son in only a diaper laughing hysterically in the bathroom. I'm too late. The haircut has begun. Cardiologists go to school to learn to fix hearts. Barbers go to school to learn to cut hair. We wouldn't want a barber fixing our hearts now would we? And we certainly don't want a cardiologist cutting our hair. What presented itself post clippers/scissors/tears from mom/laughter from the boys is what we are now calling the Dumb and Dumber haircut of Thanksgiving 2010 - you know the one.