One would think from the looks of things that Baby is due in the next month or so, but no, 2 more trimesters to go. Apparently when my doctor said I'd pop with #2 a lot sooner than last time she was not kidding!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Go Cards Go
This weekend we took Isaac to a Cardinals game. Isaac has developed quite a love for the Cardinals since this season began. If we try to turn anything else on the TV in the evenings he stands in the living room shouting "ball! ball!" to turn the game on. He likes to sit with Jeff and watch. It's a bit of an issue when they happen to have a night off! He has lots of Cardinals shirts and shorts and a hat and points to the little Cardinal patch saying "ball". And yes, of course, he stands in the living room with his bat flung over his shoulder and makes us pitch a ball to him over and over and over again while the game is on. Jeff is overjoyed by all of this :)
So, we knew how excited he would be when we walked up to Busch Stadium in person on Sunday afternoon. He was also quite excited to hand his ticket to the ticket lady himself. He loved every minute of it - watching the batters, watching the players run off and on to the field, playing in the toddler section, ice cream, hot dogs, name it. It did happen to be about 100 degrees so we didn't last the whole game, but it was certainly a memorbable day for all of us.
Too excited by the sight of Busch Stadium to smile for the camera.
Watching patiently for the players to take the field.
Pointing out where Pujols hit his home run.
Taking a little break from the heat in the toddler play land.
A little fun in the gift shop!
Friday, August 6, 2010
Baby Brown #2 !!
At nearly 12 weeks pregnant, I'm staring down the start of the 2nd trimester! Today I went for our 2nd prenatal appointment and had an NT scan done which involves an extra long ultrasound to take some measurements to test for Downs Syndrome, Trisomy 18 and neural tube defects. Man I love to catch glimpses of baby! I was a little worried that I wouldn't be as blown away by this experience as I was 2.5 years ago when we had our first glimpses of Isaac. I'm happy to say I was just as awe struck. A baby the size of lime has fingerprints and chubby baby legs. What a miracle. Initial results of NT scan look excellent, but we'll have to wait for blood work to come back to give us actual odds of any issues. I'm finding myself more curious about this little person this time - I haven't been spending every ounce of energy I have trying not to throw up with this pregnancy so I have more energy to ponder things like this. Who is this little soul?! I told Isaac the other day that I had a baby in my tummy and he promptly lifted up his shirt to show me his tummy......perhaps he won't get this until we bring his brother or sister home from the hospital! And if he's like me when my parents brought Kristen home, he'll ask for the next year when the baby is going back ;)
Lots of Grandparent Love
My folks came down from WI last weekend to see Isaac (well, and perhaps me and Jeff too)! We went to 2 birthday parties, the transportation museum to see choo-choos, out for dinner and played, played, and played some more. My Dad always works on house projects for us while he's here and Isaac followed him arround with his own little tool set the whole time. My dad learned all his handy-man skills from his grandpa and I think Isaac is well on his way to learning all of his handy-man skills from his Papa too!
Enjoying breakfast on the new kiddie size picnic table that Papa made him - just like the one my sisters and I had when we were kids :)
Isaac and Papa at his pal Lauren's birthday/pool party! (Isaac swam the whole time with the bus that Mimi brought him.)
Isaac was the only kid who ate his entire cupcake at his buddy Santiago's birthday party. He's clearly related to me!
Then Isaac was lucky enough to have his Grandma and Grandpa Brown come visit for dinner on Tuesday night! Grandma Brown even came back on Thursday and Friday morning to watch Isaac while Maggie was gone for a long weekend so I could go to work. She brought Isaac a big treat, a hand-me-down playhouse from family friends! What a lucky little guy to have so much grandparent love this week :)
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